Who wants to be a Millionaire Experience


Introducing “Who Wants to be a Millionaire? – WeHost Edition”! Get ready to immerse your team in the captivating world of this renowned TV show, brought to life through our bespoke web platform branded for your company, charity or event goal.



With our unique spin on the classic game, guests will be enthralled as they strive to claim the main stage and become the ultimate champion. As the person in the hot seat, they will be able to use lifelines like 50/50, Ask Audience, and Call a Friend at their disposal. 


To gain the main seat, they will have to be the quickest to answer our first introductory question. Once in the hotseat, they will aim to retain their position by answering all of our survivor trivia questions correctly. All players will be playing along on their mobile device answering the questions while the primary focus is on the person in the hotseat. The difficulty, suspense and excitement of the game will intensify with each question. 


During the festive season, our team adds a delightful Christmas twist, making the experience even more enchanting. In just 15-30 minutes, your audience will be completely engaged and entertained, making it the perfect addition to our other gameshow mashup experiences. 



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Your Event

Customise your event with personalised invitations for all of your guests, themed packages or add additional extras to make your evening suit you.